Mar 10, 2018

Talk myself up time :)

Hey, is this thing on? 

If you happen to be in Oz at the moment I'd like to invite you to my show at Maitland Regional Art Gallery. It's a show featuring the annunciator of the Dada movement - Hugo Ball. 

I hope everyone is well and all your parts of the planet are singing.

I include some media stuff to talk myself up :)


  1. Of course IS this THING on ! OF COURSE ! :)
    Great, Andrew, you get so much attention , well deserved!

    The birds of Artichokistan are loudly singing, what is a very good sign. They are very excited . I would say the are h...y but I don't say that;) ( I am decent educated ). :) Yes, the spring is knocking on the door ....

    It is pity my push bicycle got a flat tire so It won't make it to be on High st. :(
    But be sure I keep an eye on every blogger blogger from Oz!
    Have a nice day!

    1. lets try that again

    2. ha ha thanks Ludek, sorry about the flat t yre - will send you pump!

  2. Congrats on all the publicity and for the work itself! Good job! Pat yourself on the head and keep creating :)

    1. thanks Linda,!! It's one of those shows that looks much better on the wall - comes from working with professionals I guess. I patted my head so much now it is sore :)

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  4. Replies
    1. Ha ha yes it's the Hat that makes the Dadaaaaist :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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