Jan 12, 2017

Happy Elephant day!! Well, this one has an elephant but it is hiding in the shadows...

This one is Nial of the Nine Hostages running into a little trouble with the local Saxons who were expecting him to be taller. Little do they know Nial is waiting outside on his horse in case he is needed - and that the little fellow is one of his twelve sons ...

not to self - straighten kids legs, they look weird ?? make his pants darker , maybe he needs a sword?? add scars to Saxon faces and crooked missing teeth.

Jan 2, 2017

Is this  thing on?

Hello World.

Happy 2017.

I hope the world is good to you this year.

I need to leave this image here. :)

Hey that rhymes....

It's an elephant doing stuff. I'm not sure why, not sure when.