Dec 29, 2017

Out with the Old, in with the New

There's something Oedipal about a New Year.

I hope yours has been terrific and the New One is even more terrificker.

Go on, tell me 'terrificker' isn't a word. I dare you.

PS: Who said the guy's in shining armour are the good guys...

Jun 2, 2017

Forest Scene .....

Well this is some more of my digital work. I decided to leave Pirates alone for a bit and do a forest. Of course there is a duck in here, by I think it 'ducked'  behind one of the background trees while I worked.

Moral? Can't trust ducks! Or maybe it should read 'can't dust trucks'?

Anyway you look at it, as long as there is a table around, you can duck under it.


May 26, 2017

This be the "Half Blind Joker" :)

May 24, 2017

Nothing serious, just a 'Fool Juggling Ripe Tomatoes' :)

and some pears and flowers 

May 19, 2017

This be part of a series about dead Bosuns.

'The Attack Under The Bridge'

Apr 21, 2017

Just because they Arrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hey, I've been studying NC Wyeth.

What an amazing illustrator he was.

And I didn't know he was Andrew Wyeth's dad.
See what you learn :)

Here's two.  They kind  of look like dancers - but I think it's because of the cannon balls flying past.
Dangerous job, being a pirate.


Hope you are well and making lots of art.

Jan 12, 2017

Happy Elephant day!! Well, this one has an elephant but it is hiding in the shadows...

This one is Nial of the Nine Hostages running into a little trouble with the local Saxons who were expecting him to be taller. Little do they know Nial is waiting outside on his horse in case he is needed - and that the little fellow is one of his twelve sons ...

not to self - straighten kids legs, they look weird ?? make his pants darker , maybe he needs a sword?? add scars to Saxon faces and crooked missing teeth.

Jan 2, 2017

Is this  thing on?

Hello World.

Happy 2017.

I hope the world is good to you this year.

I need to leave this image here. :)

Hey that rhymes....

It's an elephant doing stuff. I'm not sure why, not sure when.